On-the-Go Workouts

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August 27, 2013 by hermosainn

Working out during a normal week is hard enough, but while traveling?! You’re supposed to be relaxing, resting – not running!

But…for those of us that like to indulge (or over-indulge) while traveling, there are a few easy in-room, and out-of-room, workouts that one can do to keep up that routine while on the go.

how-to-stay-fit-on-the-road-pop_9198In-Room Workouts:

Bedside Push-ups: For those with less arm strength, put your hands on the edge of the bed and your toes on the floor. If you’re looking for a more intense push up, do the opposite; feet on the edge of the bed, hands on the floor. Proceed.

Cardio Options: an obvious one here is hitting the stairwells. However, if you’re determined to let no one see you sweat, try a Shape’s recommendation of a single-leg run – start in a lunge with your right foot forward and left arm bent in front of you. Quickly bring your left foot to hip-height in front of you as you alternate arms. Do 30 cycles and repeat on the other side.

Chair Squats: also a good in-office workout, the chair squat requires you to put your arms in front of you or behind your head while you go to sit in the chair behind you, but only lightly tapping it and using your core to get you back up. Repeat at least 10 times and for an extra burn hover over the chair.

Mountain Climber: get in plank position on the floor (either with hands flat down or elbows holding you up) as you bring one knee up to your chest and then switch to the other side.

For other in-room options, check out the following from Shape.com, Entrepreneur.com. and this other article on exercising on the road.

Out-of-Room Workouts:

Take a Run: you’re in a new place, go experience it by taking a run! If you’re at the beach, even better. Running on sand is like putting weights on your ankles and can give you a more well-rounded run, which is good practice for faster running times when off the beach.

Pull Ups: grab a tree branch in the park and do your pull up reps in the open-air.

Go for a Swim: are you at the beach? The only workout you need is right in front of you. Treading water, swimming laps and doing water aerobics are all great ways to stay fit while getting tan.

Beach Cruiser Rentals at Hermosa InnBiking: if you’re resort doesn’t offer bike rentals, check out what’s in the area. This is not only a great way to see the sights, but a way to burn hundreds of calories in the process.

Do you have any go-to workouts while traveling? Share them with us here.

For more Tuesday Travel tips, follow our Words to Travel By board on Pinterest.

For more information on planning a stay at The Hermosa Inn – where we offer beach cruiser rentals and poolside yoga seasonally (ahem: another great workout option while traveling) – visit us online at www.HermosaInn.com, Facebook and Twitter or call us at 602.955.8614.

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